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Nichibei Potters

October 26th, 2008

In Sonoma County, California where we reside, we have become aware of a number of excellent ceramicists. We try to make a point of visiting the Nichibei studio every time the local ARTrails comes around. Their studio atop a bucolic hill in Sebastopol is a showcase for their modern take on traditional Japanese pottery.


Mikio Matsumoto & Cheryl Costantini formed Nichibei in 1985. Their elegant creations include classically formed vases with delicate details of spirals, dragonflies, or leaves, mugs perfectly formed to fit your handgrip, Japanese-style garden lanterns, perfectly proportioned bowls, porcelain animals and dinnerware.


To see more of their work, please visit the Nichibei’s Web site at  www.nichibeipotters.com. For locals, we highly suggest that you pay a visit to the Nichibei studio. They open their studio twice a year during the Sonoma ARTrails. There is an Annual Holiday Open House coming soon on December 13 and 14. Mark your calendar.